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Topp & Dubio is a multidisciplinary artist duo from The Netherlands. In their work, the consequences of chance and an excessive fascination with the notion of temporality play a major role.


Early in their career, they were introduced to Russian culture and Russian artists. Their interest in Russian culture has led to several collaborative projects with Russian artists and curators.


Topp & Dubio and Yuri Lunacharsky have never actually met. Lunacharsky died just before the Dutch artists visited Kaliningrad in 2008. A planned meeting between the artists never took place.


The need of contact between the artists made place for curiosity and wonder about the remains of this young artist. In 2008, they started a search for his remaining works, which led to posthumiously curating his first retrospective exhibition. After a remembrace ceremony for Lunacharsky in 2011, Topp & Dubio decided to take care of his legacy for the rest of their lives.



Topp & Dubio

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